Few traditional critics taste under blind conditions…Even fewer disclose their scoring methods, scores are often inconsistent.
We offer educated and objective, critical opinions on wine including detailed evaluations and scoring based on the traditional 100-point scale which incorporates the “20-point Category Scale” for Appearance, Aroma/Bouquet, Taste/Texture, Aftertaste and Overall Impression. Also including identification of component, balance and flaw.
This is not a “drive-by” tasting sessions of multiple wines. “Drive by” tastings lack the depth and accuracy necessary to be a fair reflection of the winemaker’s work.
There will be a qualified panel. Our panel’s assessments are shaped as the wine unfolds over a period of at least two to three hours, in an authentic tasting setting, including dinner with no other wines present. This guarantee provides the best encompassing calculation of the reliable consumer experience.
If you believe your wines would benefit from an in-depth review, contact us: 1-813-205-2800
Request Your Wine Submission Packet today at [email protected] or reaching out via our Contact Page.
A Short History:
Since 2006, we have leveraged the Wine Correspondent—and the tasting approaches; there is nothing radically new about any of our procedures, but we do seek to maintain uniformity in our evaluations that we believe are candid, impartial scoring and assessment methods. We actively dialogue about the wines we use during training and tasting events. We also believe it is important to expand tasting experiences by using an expanded group of wine types and working to identify the most discriminating tasters for evaluation sessions.

A few words about Competitions:
For competition judging we use a 20-point scale. All of our competition evaluators are trained in the use of this evaluative criteria. We have implemented *head judge and table captain components for competitions, and carefully control and monitor the conditions for all formal wine tasting. All evaluators be experienced. And will be trained by AWS/WSET/Certified International Wine Judges.
*Panels of experts/aficionados are lead by a certified member of the American Wine Society, the Federation Dining Room Professionals, Court of Master Sommeliers, the Wine and Spirit Education Trust, University of California Wine Business Executives and other trusted organizations.
Expert evaluations of brandy, whiskey, tequila, mead, beer and other beverages are also available.